We’ll be holding our annual End of Season awards after the Eastleigh match on the 18th April. It’s a great chance to meet the players and management plus celebrate what could be a historic season for the Bees.
It will be you, our members, who will vote for the following awards
1. Young/U23Player of the Season
2. Most Improved Player of the Season
3. Player of the Season
4. Goal of the Season
Also awarded will be
1. Club person of the Season. Club person is, aimed at any playing or non-playing memberof staff who goes the extra mile. This is awarded by the club.
2. We also have the Lester Finch award in recognition of services to the club, couldbe supporter or staff, nominated by the membership, chosen by the supporters’association committee.
3. Dean Brennan also has Manager's Player of the Season and Player's Player of the Season awards
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